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FortisTCI Charts Future Strategic Path to Success

FortisTCI Charts Future Strategic Path to Success 17Jul 2013

President & CEO of FortisTCI, Eddinton Powell gave the opening remarks and expressed hopes that information arising from the session would generate a wealth of new ideas, leading to alternative views on the challenges and opportunities specific to the TCI. Powell also introduced featured keynote speaker, Civil Rights Leader and former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew J. Young who addressed the gathering on the topic ‘Global Geo-economic and Technological Trends and Their Impact on Sustained Economic Development of Caribbean Economies – A Perspective’. Ambassador Young, an ordained minister with a wealth of experience in politics, national and global leadership, stressed that the small size of a nation should not prevent it from capitalizing on its strengths.

Other speakers included Premier Dr. Rufus Ewing, who offered greetings on behalf of TCIG. He thanked FortisTCI for its unwavering commitment and support to serving the people of the TCI, as well as for providing the platform on which to discuss important issues necessary to enhance the islands’ development. Acting Governor Hon. Anya Williams and former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Delton Jones participated in a panel discussion, which highlighted a number of policy ideas.

Following the Strategic Meeting/ Plenary Session, FortisTCI held two days of private meetings with mid to high level management team members. This was facilitated by the Barbados Institute of Management and Productivity (BIMAP) to discuss projected organizational strategies for the next five years and beyond. According to Powell, the company has accessed its previous goals and is now in the process of analyzing current risks and opportunities, while optimizing its resources to chart a continuous path of success into the future. During the strategic planning process, the FortisTCI team developed the Company’s new corporate Vision: ‘Leading Today. Investing in Tomorrow’, along with its new Mission: ‘FortisTCI is committed to providing safe, reliable, least-cost energy, using smart innovative technologies and by investing in people, while being a good corporate citizen, being environmentally responsible, maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction, and ensuring a reasonable rate of return for our investors.’ Powell added, “Our strategic vision of being a world-class energy company, optimizing people and technology, is brilliantly captured in our new Vision and Mission Statements.�?


Notes to Editors:

1) FortisTCI Limited (FTCI) became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc. located in Newfoundland, Canada in August 2006. Turks and Caicos Utility Limited (TCU), which is the sole provider of electricity on the Islands of Grand Turk and Salt Cay, was acquired by FTCI in August 2012. FTIC is the sole provider of electricity in Providenciales, North Caicos, Middle Caicos, East Caicos and adjacent Cays, and South Caicos. Together the two companies serve approximately 12,000 electricity customers in the Turks & Caicos Islands. The Utilities have an aggregate diesel-fired generating capacity of approximately 75 megawatts. Additional information on FortisTCI can be accessed at

2) Fortis is the largest investor-owned distribution utility in Canada, with total assets of more than $15 billion and fiscal 2012 revenue totalling $3.7 billion. The Corporation serves more than 2.4 million gas and electricity customers. Its regulated holdings include electric distribution utilities in five Canadian provinces and two Caribbean countries and a natural gas utility in British Columbia, Canada. Fortis owns and operates non-regulated generation assets in Canada, Belize and Upstate New York. It also owns hotels and commercial office and retail space in Canada. Fortis Inc. shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and trade under the symbol FTS. Additional information can be accessed at or



Allan Robinson

VP, Customer & Corporate Services

Fortis TCI Ltd

Tel: 649-946-4313 Ext. 2507
