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FortisTCI Encourages Customers to Manage Consumption as Rise in Global Fuel Costs is Possible

FortisTCI Encourages Customers to Manage Consumption as Rise in Global Fuel Costs is Possible 04Sep 2013

At present, the Turks and Caicos Islands is utilizing the most reliable and cost effective method of electricity generation through the use of fossil fuels, which operate on four small stand-alone systems. FortisTCI is nonetheless committed to consistently reviewing and assessing alternative forms of energy but strongly maintains that no new form of generation should increase the cost, or compromise safety and reliability of service.

There are a number of simple ways to conserve energy within homes and businesses. Some of these measures include: replacing incandescent bulbs with more energy efficient, low wattage bulbs, utilizing natural daylight to illuminate indoors, ensuring electrical appliances are turned off or unplugged from the socket when not in use, cleaning or changing air conditioner filters at least once monthly, washing full loads of clothes without overloading, hanging your laundry outside to dry on sunny days and ensuring the doors of your refrigerator or freezer are not opened for long periods of time. For more energy saving tips, visit or speak to any of FortisTCI’s customer service representatives, who will be happy to address your concerns.

To further educate customers on energy saving ideas, FortisTCI will be launching the FTCI SmartConnect Program, Thursday September 5, 2013 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Company’s headquarters on Leeward Highway, Providenciales. During the program launch customers can speak with FortisTCI personnel about good energy habits and take the opportunity to see energy efficient appliances showcased by local vendors. While the initial launch will happen over a two day period in Providenciales, similar launches will take place at FortisTCI office locations in Grand Turk, North Caicos and South Caicos during the month of September.

To help promote these efforts, the Company, while they last, will issue a compact florescent light bulb to those customers that can produce their September payment receipt. Additionally, customers that pay their balances in full during September will be entered into a raffle for the chance to win a brand new Energy Star quality refrigerator.

Notes to Editors:

1) FortisTCI Limited (FTCI) became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc. located in Newfoundland, Canada in August 2006. Turks and Caicos Utility Limited (TCU), which is the sole provider of electricity on the Islands of Grand Turk and Salt Cay, was acquired by FTCI in August 2012. FTIC is the sole provider of electricity in Providenciales, North Caicos, Middle Caicos, East Caicos and adjacent Cays, and South Caicos. Together the two companies serve approximately 12,000 electricity customers in the Turks & Caicos Islands. The Utilities have an aggregate diesel-fired generating capacity of approximately 75 megawatts. Additional information on FortisTCI can be accessed at

2) Fortis Inc. is the largest investor-owned gas and electric distribution utility in Canada. Its regulated utilities account for 90 per cent of total assets and serve more than 2.4 million customers across Canada and in New York State and the Caribbean. Fortis owns non-regulated hydroelectric generation assets in Canada, Belize and Upstate New York. The Corporation’s non-utility investments are comprised of hotels and commercial real estate in Canada and petroleum supply operations in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States. Fortis Inc. shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and trade under the symbol FTS. Additional information can be accessed at or


Allan Robinson
VP, Customer & Corporate Services
FortisTCI Ltd
Tel: 649-946-4313 Ext. 2507