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FortisTCI's Second Wartsila Engine Ready for Operation

FortisTCI's Second Wartsila Engine Ready for Operation 08Aug 2011

The second of two Wartsila 20V32 engines was officially handed over to FortisTCI Ltd last month after receiving the green light for commercial operation in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

This transfer of operating authority is customary for generating equipment where the manufacturer is satisfied that the equipment is ready to be used and is ready to be operated on a commercial basis.

"FortisTCI has chosen to make this investment in order to reduce diesel consumption on our generating system as these engines consume less fuel per unit of electricity than the existing fleet. Residents can continue to expect the most efficient and the least costly electricity as we continue to build on our ongoing strategic capital investment programme" stated Ernie Jackson, Vice President of Generation and Engineering.

Ernie also added that, "These engines have the capacity to produce up to 8.7 MWs of electrical power from each engine and represent more than 50% of FortisTCI's peak load. Both engines are state of the art and signify not only a major step towards reducing diesel consumption, but will also reduce exhaust emissions and would have a lower environmental footprint."